Integrated IT Solutions for Your Business – Holistic, Agile, Secure

Our Approach: As Comprehensive as Integrative Medicine

At Cloutomate, we approach things the way integrative medicine does: we view your business holistically, not as a collection of isolated segments. Every collaboration with us starts with an open dialogue to precisely understand what you aim to achieve and what resources are available to you – from IT staff to technical aspects like hardware, software, infrastructure, and security.

Automation and Efficiency: Turbocharging Your Business Processes

Optimizing your business processes is our primary concern. We rely on targeted and transparent automation solutions to reduce repetitive tasks and minimize interface issues. The result? Seamless operational efficiency.

We view your IT infrastructure holistically to understand the interaction and impact of individual components and to create efficient solutions. At the same time, we avoid rigid, monolithic structures and instead increase flexibility, scalability, and security through micro-segmentation.

We see ourselves as a supportive driving instructor, while you keep control of the steering wheel. Our role also includes training your team through interactive workshops and supporting you in selecting qualified staff.

Agility of a Startup with the Expertise of a Corporation

We are not a large corporation. We are agile, flexible, and our team consists of experts from various fields. And it is precisely this that allows us to provide a unique perspective on the integration and harmonization of IT architecture, infrastructure, and various enterprise solutions to application components. Our expertise and smart approach enable us to effectively tackle even the most complex IT challenges and develop solutions that meet both current and future requirements.

Our Philosophy: True Partnership Over Short-Term Business

We focus on true partnerships rather than short-term business. Our ultimate goal is not to make you dependent through proprietary services or products. We aim to be your holistic partner, on whom you can rely at all times. A partner who helps you automate processes, ensures maximum security, and strengthens your independence.

An informal exchange over a virtual coffee is our preferred way to discuss a long-term and trustful collaboration that actively promotes your business development. Personal contact and honesty are the cornerstones of our relationship and accompany us through all project phases.

Transparency is another core value of our work. We openly disclose how we handle your data and ensure that you always maintain full control over how it is used. The decision to continue using our services thereafter is entirely up to you.

Custom IT Solutions That Grow with You and Your Goals

We want to ensure that you optimally use your IT resources. Therefore, we develop solutions precisely tailored to your specific requirements in terms of scalability and performance. Should we find that your current resources do not support your ambitions, we engage in open communication and take proactive steps to ensure your IT needs are fully met.


Cloutomate – so you can use your resources more efficiently!